就在昨天Google官方发布了Android Studio 2.0稳定版,来来来,一起来围观这次到底有哪些更新。
Instant Run - For every developer who loves faster build speeds. Make changes and see them appear live in your running app. With many build/run accelerations ranging from VM hot swapping to warm swapping app resources, Instant Run will save you time every day.
Android Emulator - The new emulator runs ~3x faster than Android’s previous emulator, and with ADB enhancements you can now push apps and data 10x faster to the emulator than to a physical device. Like a physical device, the official Android emulator also includes Google Play Services built-in, so you can test out more API functionality. Finally, the new emulator has RICH new features to manage calls, battery, network, GPS, and more.
Cloud Test Lab Integration - Write once, run anywhere. Improve the quality of your apps by quickly and easily testing on a wide range of physical Android devices in the Cloud Test Lab right from within Android Studio. App Indexing Code Generation & Test - Help promote the visibility your app in Google Search for your users by adding auto-generated URLS with the App Indexing feature in Android Studio. With a few click you can add indexable URL links that you can test all within the IDE.
GPU Debugger Preview - For those of you developing OpenGL ES based games or apps, you can now see each frame and the GL state with the new GPU debugger. Uncover and diagnosis GL rendering issues by capturing and analyzing the GPU stream from your Android device.
IntelliJ 15 Update - Android Studio is built on the world class Intellij coding platform. Check out the latest Intellij features here.
Instant Run
Android Emulator
Cloud Test Lab
App Indexing
如果你用了Google的App Indexing API,那么用户在使用Google搜索的时候很容易搜到你的App,而AS 2.0集成了Google App Indexing Test的功能,方便你测试并预览相关效果。评:这功能在天朝没卵用!
GPU Debugger Preview
Google这次发布了一个调试GPU的工具,只需要简单的下载并集成进来就可以方便查看GPU的各种信息,很有用。评:这功能针对OpenGL ES的游戏开发或者强图形渲染的App有用,普通的App开发基本用不到。
以上就是本次Android Studio 2.0版本的主要更新内容,如果翻译不对或者有不同一间还请大家留言指正。
另外需要说明的是Android Studio 2.0需要你的Gradle的版本升级到2.10,总体体验下来速度确实比之前快了不少。
我博客很早之前有一个AS系列的教程,堪称国内最早的一批入门AS教程了,具体可以 到这里 查看,只不过很早没更新了,你们如果需要的话抽个时间更新下该系列的文章。
最最后,我知道不少人翻墙有困难,我这种注重用户体验的人早就为你们考虑好了,AS 2.0的Windows、Mac版本都已经给你们下载好了,到我的公众号 AndroidDeveloper 回复「1024」免费获取福利!